In a delightful blend of reality and fiction, a previously unnamed street in West Anchorage has been christened Grimmauld Place, mirroring the magical world of Harry Potter. This charming new street name, situated between West 29th and 31st avenues and Doris Street and Lois Drive, serves 10 lots and was determined necessary by the city to aid emergency services. The unique name was the brainchild of 12-year-old Janna Wilcox.
“When we got the letter that the street was going to be renamed, I’m a huge Harry Potter nerd, so I was like, ‘What can I name this that’ll be like Harry Potter?’” Wilcox shared at Tuesday night’s Assembly meeting. “And I thought, Grimmauld Place.”
In J.K. Rowling’s beloved series, Grimmauld Place is the home of Sirius Black, Harry Potter’s godfather, and serves as a secret refuge for the young wizard.
Inspired by her love for the series, Wilcox proposed the name to her neighbors through a letter, sweetened with some homemade brownies. The vote among property owners was close, but ultimately, her suggestion was endorsed by the mayor.
“I was really happy when we got the executive order and that Grimmauld Place had won in a coin toss,” Wilcox said, expressing her joy.
Her initiative was met with applause from Anchorage Assembly members, including Karen Bronga, who praised Wilcox’s engagement in the community.
“I am really pleased with your outreach and coming up and speaking,” Bronga said. “I think you are a bright light in community activism, and keep it up.”
The Assembly unanimously approved the naming of the street Grimmauld Place, marking a whimsical addition to the city’s map and celebrating a young girl’s imaginative spirit and dedication to her community.